About Us

There are 400,000 kids in foster care in the United States.

Giving Hearts Charity

Giving Hearts Charity, a non-profit organization, was formed and developed by Valerie Tamer Menassa, after losing her family.


Valerie saw a need for children who have lost their parents or been removed by their parents, placed in foster care and waiting to be returned to their family or adopted as there are over 400,000 children placed in foster care. She recognized and saw the need for love, stability and reassurance to build their self-esteem and confidence. These beautiful children that are placed in foster suffer from PTSD, depression and low self-esteem, amongst many other psychologically damaging issues.


Our Mission at Giving Hearts is to enhance their time at foster care by making them feel special, loved and bring positivity into their lives while encountering such a traumatic life altering experience. They need reassurance of love and to have the innocence of a childhood that was taken from them. We work with various foster care/adoptive agencies to fundraise to assist the agencies on the needs of the children.


We have 3 main events throughout the year with proceeds going to the various agencies for birthday gifts, everyday necessities and Christmas gifts.


2020 Statistics:
More than 400,000 children, range in age from 0-21, experience foster care in the United States. (Source: Voices for Children)
13,000 children in the State of Michigan. (Source: MDHHS)
50% will never graduate high school or obtain GED. (Source: Voices for Children)
Median age of children in foster care is 6 ½ years old. (Source: Ifoster)
Up to 80% of children in foster care have significant mental health issues. (NSCL-human services, mental health)